IT Organization

IT Organization, Staffing, Leadership, Confidence And Reputation
This would include a careful examination of the organizational structure, delineation of the roles, and skill sets of current IT staff to satisfactorily meet the IT needs of the college/university. We would use appropriate benchmarks of peer/aspirant institutions and databases such as the EDUCAUSE Core Data Survey to obtain measurements. We would identify gaps in functions and skills. Through interviews and conversations we would assess the quality and effectiveness of the current IT leadership. In addition, we would gauge the level of confidence and the perception of IT reputation and services through the eyes of campus leadership and key end users.
What We Do
Technology Assessments
Today's technology is creating increased demand and changes in the expectations, consumption, and delivery of services. In addition, technology that was new ten or more years ago has become obsolete and requires investment to replace or renew.
IT Security Posture And Planning
There isn’t a more important function of IT today than information security. With security breaches, malware and ransomware attacks, and intrusions on information privacy at all time highs it is critical to assess the current IT security program.